
Look For The Silver Lining

A Jerome Kearns song urges us to look for the silver lining and try to find the sunny side of life. Makes sense to me. There's more to life besides losing sleep over global warming, civil wars, genocide, terrorist attacks, gun violence, life threatening diseases, corrupt politics, abuse of power by the one per-centers, on and on. There is a silver lining somewhere. The trick is to find it. We cannot ignore the problems which surround us. We can acknowledge our part in their creation, pack away our guilt and resolve to do better. In our search for that silver lining, cherishing one's family and giving them the love they deserve is a good start. Having compassion and support for those in need furthers the process. Setting aside cynicism in favor of optimism makes the road leading to that silver lining much smoother. There is no guarantee that the silver lining will be found. If not, just pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, and smile, smile, smile.


Where have the statesmen gone?

Where have the statesmen and or stateswomen, enlightened leaders and dedicated legislators gone? They must be out there someplace. Or have they been repelled by greedy politicians? Low blow! I'm sure the preference is pragmatic politicians. Whatever or whoever they are, our representatives are letting us down. Politicians have made it perfectly clear that their first loyalty is to their political party. If there is any loyalty to spare their countrymen may be tossed a bone.

Needed legislation is on a merry-go-round.The chances of  immigration reform are practically nil until the mid-term elections are over. Raise the minimum wage? Don't bet on it - another third rail before elections. As a matter of fact any meaningful bill that impacts the wealth of the one per-centers is dead on arrival. They have so many congressional wimps in their hip pocket. Then there is gun control. The NRA not only has Congressmen in its hip pocket it has most potential presidential candidates in its front pocket.

Any action designed to fight global warming has about as much of a chance as a snowball in hell. Climate change action not only is a no-no around election time, it is a no-no supported by "Big Money" lobbyists year 'round. As one politician after another stands in denial of global warming, one can picture Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Not even the scientific evidence that the Antarctica ice shelf has disintegrated has stirred much comment in government circles. For that matter, neither has the media taken up the fight for climate control. Everyone is too busy with the NBA team owner scandal and the NFL draft.

It could be argued that once the midterm elections are over the new Congress will set aside witch hunts and will address the problems facing the country with a sincere desire to resolve them. Whoa!! Someone is forgetting that the big prize is up for grabs in 2016. There will be no time to focus on any action which might give one party or the other an edge. There will only be time for posturing and digging up material to destroy a perceived front runner.

Lets face it. Modern politics in the United States is all about winning elections. Nothing wrong with that except it has become a full time effort. Its as though the legislative branch of government is on a perennial recess. What to do?  Reform campaign laws - fat chance. A strong executive branch willing to lead at all cost might help but that's where I began. Where are these statesmen and enlightened leaders?


The House of Cards and Machiavelli

The High Primal and I have been watching Netflix' House of Cards. We are hooked on it. After watching twenty-six episodes I'm convinced that the screenplay was written by Machiavelli, the father of modern politics. Frank Underwood, the central character in the House of Cards, makes "the end justifies the means" his rallying call as he manipulates colleagues and legislation in Congress while maneuvering his way to proprietorship of The Oval Office. Only Machiavelli could have come up with a scenario featuring the outrageous activities of Frank and his wife Claire as they ruthlessly maximize their power and squash their enemies. House of Cards is all about the seamy side of politics complete with raw sex, murder and high stakes shenanigans, all a testimony to Machiavelli's words: "Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical and greedy of gain".

A quote from  "The Prince" fits Frank Underwood perfectly: “The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.” Frank Underwood is an astute politician to be feared and not to be underestimated. One cannot help but wonder how politics bordering on treason can payoff with "the lion" becoming the 46th President of The United States after devouring the incumbent President he served as Vice-President.

The political corruption, misuse of PACs, blatant power of lobbyists, lascivious sex and violence which are the foundation of Frank Underwood's house of cards beg for a third season. There is a weak link waiting to burst and bring down the house. As Machiavelli wrote: “A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways.” Underwood cannot be allowed to survive  - or can he? If Machiavelli could have  anything to say about the script, the house of cards will turn into a fortress.


As Time Goes By

The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
- Niccolo Machiavelli

We should, but the damn hourglass sometimes gets a bit cloudy. As we age there are too many obstacles standing in the way of a clear outlook on life. Greed, an unwillingness to adapt to changes in society and infirmities all play a part.
In defense of the elderly,  although escaping sand has left the hourglass lighter, fatigue from a lifetime of reacting to challenges sometimes makes it an exercise in futility to try to make any sense out of today's issues. Before one can see clearly, he must have a clear mind. As Buddha said:

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Easier said than done. That must be why we live in an imperfect world.


Cinco de Mayo - Estoy decepcionado

For quite some time I have been under the impression that the Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day ( previous to that I was oblivious to the significance of May 5 other than it was the day after my sister's birthday). Not that I'm devastated but estoy decepcionado to learn that Mexicans celebrate their Independence Day on September 16. May 5 marks the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla. So why the fuss over the fifth of May in the United states?

 According to Wikipedia, the Cinco de Mayo celebration in this country "originated with Mexican-American communities in the American West as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War, and today the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride". I guess the connection to the American Civil War ties in with the defeat of the French Army at the Battle of Puebla. Be that as it may ( code for I'm confused and too lazy to research the subject in greater depth), the celebration of Mexican heritage and pride is as good a reason as any for hoisting a few on the Cinco de Mayo. Mexican-Americans have as much right to a day on the calendar as Irish-Americans. I wonder - if all Hyphenated- Americans had their special day on the calendar to celebrate their heritage we could have a party lasting all year long. As for me, I'll skip the tacos tonight in favor of a hoagie.

Speaking of hoagies, I would like to suggest that we have a day to celebrate Garibaldi's role in the unification of Italy. I herby proclaim that along with America's Indepedence Day,we shall celebrate Il Quarto di Luglio (Garibaldi's birthday). A few birra and pizzas along with the traditional beer and hot dogs would create all sorts of gastronomical fireworks. Until then, Happy Cinco de Mayo!


This is for the birds

Mayday! Mayday! We're all messed up! A little bird told me that today is the day we celebrate labor but he was wrong. The little fellow has a bad GPS and thought he was in Europe.

If we are such a good friend of the European Union why do we celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September rather than today? A more relevant question is how long will it be before the Republicans and the Tea Party weaken the labor movement so much that a Labor Day celebration will become irrelevant?

When I came up with this post, I had no intent of cutting a hog in the ass. I just  wanted to make note of a day which honors people who dirty their hands while working ( I know, I know, the wolfs of Wall Street have dirty hands also). Besides that, it would be nice to start off the month with a post. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and take a flier. As it turns out, the early bird did not get the worm. A post about May Day falls flat. Its just not much of a holiday in these parts. On May 1st we'd prefer to celebrate the start of Spring weather, plant some geraniums, dance around the maypole and start making plans for that barbecue or baseball game on Memorial Day.

The best that can be said for this post is that a post in the hand is worth two in the bush.  If I had to rate it, I would give it the bird.