
Here's To The Two of Us

Early in June there was much ado about the Queen of England on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of her reign. I guess the Brits are justified in  making a big deal about their monarch's longevity but  with a curtsy to the monarchists, today marks a sixtieth anniversary which I humbly believe is as important if not moreso than the Queen's jubilee.  There will be no parades, no speeches, no hand waving - just a quiet celebration.

 Today the high primal and I will celebrate sixty years of marriage. The  occasion cries out for a memorable post  but  I find that I said it all two years ago in my post "58 And Counting". With a change of 58 to 60 here it goes again:

Sixty years ago today, the high primal and I exchanged marriage vows. Reflecting on those vows it is uncanny that once the honeymoon was over the challenges lost no time in taking front and center. Blessings, disappointments and tragedies have been intertwined into bonds that bind us tighter together, making our marriage stronger today than it has ever been. “ for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part”- longevity in a marriage makes it inevitable that all will be experienced.

As long as we have each other, life is not only bearable but welcomed. The “until death do us part” vow had little meaning sixty years ago but burns in our minds today. Death must be contemplated but there is no reason why it should not be put off for a few more anniversaries.

(Stil one big problem! After sixty years , ideas for an anniversary gift become scarce, but it is a challenge I welcome and am grateful for.)

To my critic, my lover and my best friend  I raise my glass. As I said two years ago, "As long as we have each other, life is not only bearable but welcomed". Margaret, here's to the two of us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hear! Here! Yes, yes! Here's to the two of you. Congratulations to both of you and I drink to your continued health and happiness. Margaret, most especially to you do I offer these congratulations. You actually did it, girl! There is NOTHING like being pleasantly in love!