
Senior Moments

Mother Tesch of albatross necktie left a kind comment on one of my posts referring to the possibility that I'm a senior. Her instincts rival Miss Marple's ( another clue ) and I proudly acknowledged that indeed I'm long in the tooth.

That got me thinking ( glad to say I'm still capable of exercising those grey cells). Actually I must confess that I'm having a senior moment. I am thinking but I'm not sure what I'm thinking about.

Is it about the wisdom that comes with old age? Hell no, someone put that out there to make old codgers feel good. My granddaughters & great grandchildren have more wisdom than I'll ever have.

Is it about the inevitable arthritis that creeps into those fragile bones? Lets not get into that. It's not that bad yet. Why should I bore anyone with my pains and become a pain in the ass.

Is it about how I got to be a senior. Maybe. My high primal thinking spouse had a lot to do with that. Still that's a story for another day.

Is it about the perks that come with being a senior citizen? Perhaps, but they are slowly disappearing. It has something to do about budgets.

That senior moment is becoming an eternity.

Eternity! That's what I was thinking about! Getting old just emphasizes that we do not have an eternity to do everything we would like. If you can still walk, talk and think, live every day as though it's your last. Easier to say than to do. I heard it somewhere and it sounds good.

Damn those senior moments. Mother Tesch said that she didn't always understand what I wrote. I have to agree.

( Mother Tesch, give Vito my condolences about the Cub's loss tonight. At least they didn't get massacred like the Indians did this afternoon.)


Earl Tesch said...

The best part of the whole thing is that you can post once a month and both you and Mother Tesch will read it like new every day.

Tony said...
