
Blogging Is Not For Sissies

While staring at my computer monitor, wondering if there was a blog post hiding there somewhere, I succumbed to a little web surfing. Sure enough there was a blog post hiding among all the pixels. I brushed the pixels around and there it was , an article in the Christian Science monitor which posed the question “ Has blogging peaked”? Obviously this was a must read article since I’ve wondered the same thing about my own personal blogging.

The article points out that “the demands of blogging have pushed many to abandon the form for faster, simpler word bursts on Twitter or Facebook". No surprise there, even TV network newscasts keep reminding you that they are on Twitter and would like you as a friend and it seems that you are anti-social if you are not on Facebook. After all you might even connect with someone you knew fifty years ago ( wonder why you have not maintained the friendship?). It turns out most of the blogger dropouts are the young bloggers or should I say texters. Again, no surprise. Faster, simpler word bursts or FSWB is the way to go for our young people.

Without my quoting the whole article ( I’m sure you will access it once your done with your tweets and have looked up your ancient prom date) , suffice to say that a key point that it makes is that good blogging is intensive. You can’t just blurt anything out, you have to think it through. And that is the post that was hiding in my computer monitor.

If my delete button could talk it would ramble on about all the posts I have deleted after concluding that they were posts for posts sake. My constantly changing the header of my blog and the title of my blog are evidence of doing something trivial instead of concentrating on coming up with a quality post.

I’m not alone in wrestling with the intensity of good blogging. A number of blogs I have followed are now in Blog Limbo ( as far as I know the Catholic Church has not heard about this, so let's keep it strictly in the blogosphere). Others are in Blog Purgatory, their owners constantly searching for a platform. Unfortunately some blogs I have visited have perished in Blog Hell. On the positive side, there are blogs I visit whose owners publish quality posts day after day. I realize that this paragraph would be much more interesting if I listed blogs that I visit regularly along with their links and a classification of Blog Limbo, Blog Purgatory, Blog Hell or Blog Heaven but I’m too chicken to do that. Besides ,all the blogs that I follow are great. Why else would I visit them?

Back to my blog. I’m not about to give up. At times my posts may resemble “tweets” and I may wax sentimental about some event or person in my past but I’m not ready for Twitter or Facebook. Life has moved on fast enough, I’m not looking for faster ways of communicating. Besides I’m not one of those bloggers trying to communicate with a vast audience. I’m just blogging for blogging’s sake. Its an ego trip. That’s my post for today. I have thought it through and deemed it worthy of publishing. By the way did I mention that blogging is not for sissies!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ataway, Tony. No giving up. We'll fight them in the air, on the ground and at sea, but we shall not give up!