
Daylight Borrowing Time

Daylight Savings Time enters our lives on March 14. Once again we will go through the ritual of "springing forward" one hour at 2 AM, Sunday, March 14. I'm supposed to be enthusiastic about the prospect of saving daylight but I'm not. For more years than I care to say, I have saved daylight. One would think that I could withdraw some of those savings in the middle of winter and enjoy daylight twenty-four hours a day whenever I liked. Such is not the case. I tried it and found that the account was empty. There is some scientific explanation for this rip off but I prefer to blame it all on Wall Street. Daylight saving is no different than dollar savings. You save and save and then find that some MBA found a way to deinvest your savings.

Actually on March 14 we will be changing our clocks to "Daylight Borrowing Time". That's right, come Fall I must return my daylight savings and a receipt will not be required. That being the case, why should I bother to save. Better that I sleep through 2AM, Sunday March 14.

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