
Now what?

Ora devo raccogliere i mei pensieri per questo blog or in plain English, the deed is done - From Tony's Keyboard' is my blog and I need to come up with some thoughts other than my Toyota's problem or my OCD.

Lets start with:

- The cloture rule makes sure that legislative pirates have a safe haven in the Senate.

- Will Tea Party activists be successful in plunging the country into political chaos? If so, will China foreclose the United States?

- Manufacturing jobs will only be created with government incentives. Once created they will be shipped to Asia in order to increase the bottom line line for stockholders who were against government stimulus funds in the first place.

- The Colts lost the Superbowl. The Browns should be thankful they have never had the opportunity for the same embarrassment.

- Baseball season is upon us. The Indians show no sign of doing the right thing about Chief Wahoo. In fact , they show no sign of doing the right thing about anything.

That's it - questo posto e finito!

ED Note: the Italian was a diversion to test my memory of a second language. It was found wanting.

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