
You can't teach an old dog new tricks....

I did it! A new computer graces my desk. I finally got it up and running. What took me so long? It didn't have the feel of my old friend. After a lot of tinkering it's a reasonable facsimile.

My old computer has gone the way of Mark Sanford's political ambitions. It's still alive but on life support. The computer doctor predicts it will be gone in about a week. It's not big news but we'll have a suitable memorial. In this household it will preempt any MJ memorial.

I was sure that a new computer with lots of memory megabytes would stir up my writing creativity. With the faster speed my blog posts would flow incessantly. This is the best that I have come up with so far.

I'm not giving up. As with any new relationship patience is the key. I did buy a lap top and I'm seriously thinking of taking it to bed with me. I've heard that lap tops get really hot.

Just think of the post material which will be forthcoming!

What's with this sleep thing I see in the lower left corner. That will never do. We'll probably never consummate this marriage.

Next thing I know there will be a pop up screen informing me that this slick machine has a headache.

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