I read in this morning’s paper that the Pentagon envisions a military command which will conduct both offensive and defensive computer warfare. It was also reported that you might sometime in the future appoint a cyber czar.
Computer warfare, cyber czars, drone bombers, space stations - it looks like I should get my old Buck Rogers rocket gun out of storage.
Which brings me to the reason for writing this letter. The Pentagon is going to need a Secretary of Computer Warfare and the White House will be in the market for a Cyber Czar. Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon would make excellent candidates. They have considerable experience with space warfare and sophisticated computers. Take a look at the pictures showing them in action.

I have no idea where these gentlemen reside or if they are still alive. I’m sure that Director Panetta will have no difficulty finding them. He might start right in his own backyard.
If the vetting process ever gets started, I hope you will disregard the rumors that Flash got his name because he is a flasher. Neither the CIA nor the FBI will find any records of a conviction. As for Buck, his only drawback is that he has a four letter word for a first name. Originally his name was Willard. I’m sure he would agree to going back to Willard.
By the way when you talk to Leon, have him take another look at Dick Cheney’s background. He bears some resemblance to Emperor Ming ( I've enclosed a picture). Flash was supposed to have vanquished him but I’m not too sure.

Barack, hope you pardon the familiarity , I’ve noticed that lately you’re not smiling as much as you used to. I can understand why, but don’t let the bastards get you down. With Buck and Flash helping you, the job will be a breeze but watch out for Ming!
Got to log off of the computer, someone is trying to hack in. Wish you had that cyber czar!
( Remember me? The guy who sent you a couple of bucks)
Now my Buck Rogers is a little younger than your Buck Rogers, but I'm all for bringing Erin Grey back. Uber-hot!
Personally I think we should add Duck Rodgers of the 21 1/2 century to the mix. He was a fav of mine!
Maybe I'll throw my ring into the hat, after all I am the head of--in fact the entire staff of--the IT department here at the Offices of Erin O'Brien.
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