
It's All About Bats

The Cleveland Indians lost the game last night. I thought it was because of lousy hitting until I picked up this morning's paper and a headline on the first page blared - Bats are quiet as Royals shut out Tribe, 2-0. The Indians lost because the bats were quiet?

Surely great baseball minds would have known that the bats would be quiet last night. It was cold and rainy last night. Don’t play baseball on a cold, rainy night! Bats are quiet in cold weather. They rarely fly in rain - the rain interferes with their echo location, and they are unable to locate their food.

Of course there is a down side to playing baseball when bats are active. It might drive the fans away, especially when the bats belong to the opposing team. The Commisioner should rule that the visiting team must leave their bats at home. Problem solved!

Quiet bats are just another dilemma for the Indians in their young, losing season. Without batting an eye the Manager  says that he is analyzing the team’s woes and would make adjustments to Spring training next year. Now there’s an optimistic Manager! What makes him think he’ll be around next year if his team keeps losing. He must have bats in his belfry!

My suggestion is that the team contact the Cleveland Zoo and borrow some bats which are capable of making the ball fly! Balls that fly? Hmmmm.....

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