

In a little over four years the Middle East is in shambles. Now we have Gaza controlled by Hamas and the West Bank controlled by Fatah (fat chance of any peace with Israel). Then we have the Taliban making a comeback in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda romping around in Iraq. Iraq? The civil war in Iraq is getting hotter. A civil war is being kindled in Lebanon. So goes our Middle East policy. Democracy doesn't appear to be a workable form of government in the Middle East yet Washington keeps making that a priority in our approach to peace. A surge in military action has had little effect in bringing about any sort of stability in Iraq. The only surge that seems to be having any effect in the Middle East is the surge on violence and civil war. We can't seem to hold back Iran's rise as the power broker in the Middle East. Russia will not allow any effective action by the United Nations that would stop Iran's nuclear program .( Of course we have done a pretty job of putting in place the ingredients of a "cool war" with Russia.) What more can happen ? An invasion of Iran? Should this occur we can kiss goodbye to our standard of living. We can garage our automobiles. We can ground our airplanes. Our democracy will face its sternest test ever. Where is the leader who will lead us out of the Middle East mess? He or she better emerge soon. Middle East peace must take priority over the "War On Terror"- peace is the worst enemy of terrorists.

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