
Out Damn Spot!

The High Primal is renowned in our family as an expert spot remover. She has gained this reputation in spite of failing Chemistry in high school ( I understand that the instructor relented at the last minute and gave her credit for at least taking the exam). Nonetheless, she is fearsome when it comes to removing spots from clothing, rugs and walls. Our laundry room would put a DuPont chemical lab to shame.  The High Primal will also spend hours and tons of money trying to remove age spots. Unfortunately the age spot removal comes under the category of looking for the fountain of youth.

Marge The Spot Remover has an occasional failure. Nothing serious, only a hole in an expensive tie or shirt. To be fair, her successes far outnumber her failures.

Case in point, we have one of those damn ceramic  cook tops on our range. These cook tops are allergic to spills and frequently cry for remedial action. Cleaning the stove top is my job. After all I aced Chemistry both in high school and college. I've been successful in my cleaning efforts until recently when I tackled a spot on one burner that was 'plug ugly' ( an expression the High Primal's mother used). It actually resembled an age spot. No, I did not decide to use the High Primal's age spot remover. I wanted that spot off the burner permanently. After a half hour of intense scrubbing and using three different brands of stove top cleaners, the damn spot was still there. I swear it now resembled a smile. I could not put up with such insolence. I told the High primal that I did the best I could and that whatever she spilled on the cook top was there to stay like her age spots. Rush Limbaugh could not have come up with a worse put down.

This morning, Marge The Spot Remover smugly informed me that the age spot on the stove cook top was gone. Some dishwahing detergent, a little hot water and a little soaking  had wiped the smile off the spot. The damn spot was gone! Hail Marge The Spot remover! 

The moral of this story is that if you want a spot removal job done properly, don't call Tony The Blogger.

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