
Kick Ass For Jesus

Flock Is Now A Fight Team In Some Ministries” - the headline for this article in the New York Times made it a must read item. It seems that some evangelical churches are embracing martial arts in an effort to attract young men to their ministries.

“Mr. Renken’s ministry is one of a small but growing number of evangelical churches that have embraced mixed martial arts — a sport with a reputation for violence and blood that combines kickboxing, wrestling and other fighting styles — to reach and convert young men, whose church attendance has been persistently low“.

Some pastors say the goal "is to inject some machismo into their ministries — and into the image of Jesus — in the hope of making Christianity more appealing.”

Another pastor was ouoted saying , “what led me to find Christ was that Jesus was a fighter.” (He sure took one hell of a beating without going into a violent defense!)

In these so called ministries, compassion is secondary to violence. Violence can make someone religious , so kick ass and beat some body's brains out. That's the masculine way! Females need not apply! It’s a wonder that the promise of seventy-two virgins in the afterlife is not used to attract male losers. Could it be that someone in need of violent ways to prove their masculinity obviously suffer from erectile dysfunction?

Organized religious movements, be they Christian, Jewish or Muslim, preaching violence in the name of some prophet are the roots of war and enemies of peace on earth, good will toward men!

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