
Miscellany Or Junk

I understand that part of blogging etiquette is to assign a label or category to a post. A label categorizes a post and in turn helps readers find other posts that might be relevant and of interest to them. I'd like to accommodate my readers but honestly, labels drive me nuts. I do fine up to a point, then fall victim to a label called "Miscellany".

Miscellany is defined as a miscellaneous collection of articles or entries. So why not use Miscellaneous as a label? Its obvious - Miscellany is so much more literary. Miscellany does what it is intended to do - it provides a home for blog entries of various subjects.

One must ask that if Miscellany provides a home for blog entries of various subjects why use other labels. The whole blog consists of miscellaneous entries. The answer is simple . Some entries cry out for a distinctive label, other entries defy labeling. Miscellany is therefore a home for orphan entries.

A home for orphan entries? That sounds familiar. After reviewing a previous post about junk drawers I can only conclude that Miscellany is the junk drawer of my blog. It is difficult to admit but a review of entries bearing the "Miscellany" label does reveal a fair amount of junk. That's okay - that's what junk drawers are for.

I have now arrived at the point where I must assign a label to this post. Oh oh, I must assign a label? That's how I ended up with the "Miscellany" label. Is this miscellany or junk. Junk it is: a rose by any other name would smell the same.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tony, thanks for following me (or my blog, to be more correct).

Labels? (Or "Tags") Google's Blogger doesn't allow more than 2,000. I used that up long ago and now can't label my blogs. As a result, my readership drops. We're working on Google to fix this problem.

I went through a number of your blogs this morning and enjoyed them. Keep writing, man -- or, keep keyboarding!

Charlie Leck at Ad Astra