
About The Second Amendment

Apparently legislating gun control has become the third rail of American politics. Even the the recent praises for the legislative prowess of Senator Kennedy are quick to point out that this powerful liberal was not a voice in the gun control debate, in spite of the tragic role that guns played in his family history. Little if anything is heard about Obama's agenda for gun control legislation. The voice of the NRA remains strong in fending off any attempts to reign in the proliferation of guns in our society.

Behind this fear of coming to terms with the slaughter caused by the indiscriminate possession of guns by all elements of the population is the second amendment to the Constitution.

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The words constantly brought to our attention are " the right of the people to bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Charlton Heston , the late poster boy of the NRA, emphatically made this a point when he paraphrased an N.R.A. bumper sticker (“I’ll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands”), by waving a replica of a colonial musket above his head and shouting defiantly, “From my cold, dead hands".

I read the words of the second amendment and the key words to me are "A well-regulated Militia".

My interpretation of the second amendment is that the right to bear arms is contingent on whether or not we have a well-regulated militia. A militia is a body of citizens organized for military service. More to the point a militia is a a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency. In modern America, a militia is the National Guard and the Army Reserves! In colonial times a militia was a loosely organized group of citizens who responded to emergencies with their weapons in hand.

If the day ever comes that our security is dependent on citizens rushing out of homes with their automatic weapons to defend us ,we will have seen the passing of the United States of America.

We have a well regulated militia that is well armed by the taxes which the citizens of this country pay. The right of the the same citizens to bear arms can be infringed without jeopardizing the security of the country. In fact, not regulating guns is tantamount to creating a society where the law of the land will be the law of the gun.

When will a champion for effective gun control come forth? Not until many more cold , dead hands line the streets.

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