
Politics And Comedians

Presidents make lousy comedians!  The White House press corps should find other ways to entertain themselves. Politics can be ludricous enough left to its own ways !


Earl Tesch said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one Tony. I like to see a sitting president redirect some of that negative attention back to the very same folks that aim at him with such precision in their pointed 'reporting.'

Plus, I find it endearing when anyone has enough of a sense of humor to be somewhat self-depricating.

Tony said...

Point well taken

Caroline said...

I thought the comments rather funny, but they should've been saved for Wanda's stand up routine and not in the forum in which they were given. As much as I think Rush deserves her snide remarks, I do not think the President should lower his own standards. There should be some line that shouldn't be crossed at such affairs.

In other words, I agree with you Tony.