Betty Boop has always been one of my favorite cartoon characters. Betty and I go back a long ways. She is a constant reminder of my youth in the form of a magnet on our refrigerator door. (The door is well insulated so her Jazz Age flapper dress is not a problem.)
Betty Boop was the darling of the Depression days and was one hot babe with her short dresses, high heels,a garter belt. and a cleavage which would not quit. She would put our modern day floozies to shame.
So where is all this headed? Well in search of some Betty Boop cartoons on You Tube I came upon a startling revelation. One Betty Boop cartoon was banned from TV! My Betty got herself in some hot water. She took part in a cartoon with racial overtones and suffered the same fate as Don Imus. Notwithstanding the racial overtones,it was funny. As for the racist aspects, I realized that when the cartoon was made it was very much in tune with life as it was the 1930’s. It is shocking now only because we have come a long way in respect to stereotypes. You can judge for yourself.
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