
Trayvon Martin Did Not Deserve To Die

Thanks to Mike Lukovich
Trayvon Martin did not deserve to die! Four Chardon High School (OH) students did not deserve to die! These are recent events on a hit list that gets longer and longer.  Murder on the streets and in the halls of education is becoming symbolic of our right to bear arms. The NRA would have has believe that the right to bear arms is the foundation of this Republic and must be defended at all cost even if it means shattering our right of freedom from fear. The most devastating damage is the NRA's castration of our cowardly politicians. Trayvon Martin is dead. Will his death trigger an outcry for more responsible gun laws? An outcry perhaps , but action, no. After all it is an election year. The laws of the old Wild West will be coming to a street near you. May God have mercy on us.

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